Talk Torque
Make an Enquiry
'Talk Torque' is a production that deals with the very current issue of bullying and the many forms it takes. The play tells four separate stories of bullies and their victims, the different way in which they are bullied and how their issues are tackled. It covers racism and prejudice, homophobia and bullying through physical appearances such as being overweight or 'too pretty'. The audience are shown physical, emotional and mental abuse through name calling, physical violence, cyber-bullying, texts, social networking, phone calls, stalking and much more. 'Talk Torque' has one simple message, talk to someone, and it will get better.
Incredibly poignant performance detailing the different forms bullying can take. Very engaging and relevant to the young people we teach. Incredibly useful for our KS2 PSHE curriculum.
- Mr Barnes, Year 6 teacher, Parkfield Primary School